Friday, May 21, 2010

For what it’s worth…

I am female again. Daniel is not married to a man. I have successfully plead my case to the Social Security Administration, and they have changed my gender coding. The very nice, very helpful, women across the desk from me said, in a deep southern accent, “I’ve never changed someone’s gender before.” Well great. Happy I could provide you with that crucial professional experience. No doubt you will encounter countless more gender changes in your long career.

I had a bad morning so my mom brought me coffee. Lattes make lunch come faster, problems seem smaller, and give me an all-around warm feeling inside…even if they’re iced. I wish there was more room for $4 beverages in our budget.

This insecurity book is good. Really good. I think people should read it…but not if you’re just going to read it…and not if you’re going to go into it cynically. I think if you are willing to humbly and prayerfully use this book as a helpful tool in your walk with Christ, He could do some really cool things with it. If nothing else, I have reminders when the insecurity comes.
I am clothed with strength and dignity.
If _____didn’t give me my security, then ____ can’t take it from me. Security is from Christ alone.

Daniel and I get to go to California. This makes me very happy…and makes me sing the song from the awesome TV show The O.C…. California here we come, right back where we started from. Californ-YUUUUUH. Here we COOOOOOOOME!

In a field near our apartment there is a tiny, furry, mythological ass. And I love him. He is mythological because he is only there sometimes. Daniel has never seen him. I drive by his field everyday, but I’ve only seen him 4 or 5 times. Still, that was enough to win me over. I even named him. Theodore. I adore Theodore. That crazy, tiny, furry, mythological ass…


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