Sunday, April 03, 2005

I made it. Thursday I had two papers due. Friday I had a paper and a test. It was a rough couple of days. Today I rested...from schoolwork. I planned on blogging yesterday. I had allotted time for it. Then, with a cruel and ironic turn of events, my time-slot was stolen. So today it is. I kind of want to do one of those lists of one-line thoughts but I feel like that would be copping out. IIIIII'm not copping out I'm not copping out I'm not copping out, when You're raising the dead in me....
Spring Break started off pretty rough but ended ever-so-enjoyably. I came back to school somewhat reluctantly...actually I was pouty and ridiculous about coming back. One of the really great things about being a pessimist though, is that things rarely turn out as badly as you think they will. I don't hate it here. I don't know why I dread it so much. Maybe it's Sonic, maybe it's school, maybe it's that I really don't have any close friends here, or that I don't know how I got here or what I'm doing here. But God is good. He's the same God here that He is in England, or Pine Cove, or home. He can and will work here too.
Change of subject.
I ran 11 miles today. My legs hurt but I feel accomplished. Then I went and hung out with my roommate. And by "hung out" I mean "went shopping." I didn't want to say that though because that sounds shallow. But I I guess I am. Then I headed to Barnes and Noble to rest. I didn't take any school stuff with me. I picked up The Barbarian Way by Erwin McManus, which has been recommended highly, and read it...all. It was good. At one point he tells a story about a time when he saw God speak through him and work miraculously. Then he writes:
"Later I would go to seminary and learn that God doesn't speak like this anymore. Essentially I was told that God exchanged the mystical and miraculous for doctrines and ritual. What the Spirit once did, programs have now replaced, and even the Scriptures became proof that God had stopped speaking."
Gross. I like this dangerous, mystical, miraculous, paradoxical, God. He kind of freaks me out sometimes...but I like Him.
I am going to The Grove again tomorrow. I like it there.
Today, at Barnes and Noble, I thought of a great title for my book. It's definitely my favorite so far, and there have been many. Ask me about it sometime. It's funny.
Ok so I kind of ended with random one-line thoughts, but I tried.
Goodnight friends. Peace be with you.


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