Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I'm sick. This week has been fairly undemanding, so yesterday I just slept all day, and today...well...I may do the same. I called in sick to work. I feel a little guilty because I could probably survive the five hours, but then again, no one would want me to give them a germy cherry limeade. Besides, it's freezing cold and I just want to sleep some more. You know how when you're sick everything seems to be in slow motion? You can't really hear all that clearly and your body temperature is all whack. (Wiggity-Whack? No, just regular type.) With all of that, I've had a good couple of days. Yesterday, like I said, I slept. Then I, and the rest of my school, went to the first men's home basketball game. It's a tradition. Everyone takes roles of toilet paper (and student government hands it out), and when we make our first basket we throw it all out onto the court. The court is covered and we cheer when they announce the technical foul. We smoked the other team. (By the way, the other team was the Evangels. So...mascot is....Billy Grahm? And is that supposed to be intimidating? Is that really the image you want to put forth?) Afterwards, a group of us hung out in the student center watching the election results. I'm slowly getting to know more people. We lasted until about three until we finally decided to go do our homework and go to bed. Then this morning, we ran out of time in Wellness for me to give my schizophrenia presentation. Darn. I'm officially on an intramural soccer team now as well. I don't know anyone, nor do I know how good we'll be, but at least I get to play ball again. So all the little things in life are going well. I love days like that.


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