Friday, November 18, 2005

My prof drives me crazy.
I read the required pages for my assignment.
I looked at the questions that I am required to answer.
I let out a sound unmistakably related to frustration.
And here's why:
The assignment is to read the pages and write responses to the prompts and questions that are given to us. The first of which asks us about a quote on page 222 by Mike Yaconelli. Here's part of it:

"The reality is that postmoderns dislike all kinds of measurement--and yet built into the very fabric of just about every church is the process of measurement. Institutions simply can't function without counting, comparing, listing, evaluating...Ministering to postmoderns requires more than a new way of doing ministry, it requires merely a new way of thinking...not just some adjustments, it requires a dismantling of the system!"

Listing and Evaluating are specifically stated as part of the system that we're supposed to be dismantling in order to minister to postmoderns. And the first word of the assignment?
"EVALUATE Yaconelli's quote on page 222."
And the second prompt?
"LIST the virtues that Jones writes about on 225-226."

So you're telling me to evaluate how we're not supposed to evaluate anymore and to list the required virtues of a leader of postmoderns who hate lists.
Right. I'll get right on that.

Maybe it's because I have 5 papers due in 2 days, or maybe it's because this isn't the first time this guy's questions have been completely contradictory, or maybe it's because this prof took points off on a paper about postmodernism because I was "TOO postmodern" but whatever the reason...
I'm so sick of these freaking papers I want to throw my laptop out the window.


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