My last attempt at blogging was a dismal failure so we're starting all over. Blank page. Love it. I think there may be someone out to get me. I know that, at some point or another, everyone thinks that, but it might be true in my case. (Yes, I am also aware that everyone thinks it "might be true in their case".) Please allow me to fill you in on my week. Early last week I almost got broadsided by some lady talking away on her cell phone. After a swerve one way, then the other (to then avoid getting hit by my mother, who saw the whole thing and was panicking) I was back in the saddle. No big deal. Then last Wednesday, on my way home from school, I came around a corner and found myself unable to down-shift. Then, once in neutral, unable to shift at all. So there I was, stuck on a blind turn with no where to go, and no way to go even if there had been a "where". I managed to pull of into the median/crate myrtle and called mom. She called Brian the car guy who called the tow truck. We were out of there in no time. Relatively painless. On Friday, since the Mustang was in the shop, I drove my mom's car to school. 6:30am and I was on my way, mentally preparing for the two speeches I was to give that morning. Then, suddenly, the dreaded blue and red blinking started behind me. I wasn't speeding AT ALL so I wasn't too worried, but it still got the adrenaline pumping. Mr. Police Officer, whom we'll call Jack, steps up to the window and begins his interrogation. I was going to school. NCTC. I'm nineteen. ect. Then, finally, he informs me that the reason he pulled me over was because I have a headlight out. "Were you aware of the fact that your headlight is out?" no. I never drive this car. Then Jack went back and sat in his car for about 10 min. While I sat there wondering what was taking so long. He returned to his flashlight-in-the-face stance and gave me the "will you step out of the car please?" insert very long pause here which instilled fear "I want to show you which light's out." I'm thinking "Point Jack. Just POINT!" I kept my mouth shut, did what he said and was on my way with no ticket. Thanks Jack. You're a sport. Then today... I'm not going into all the details because it's 2am and this blog is entirely too long. I got the Mustang back from the shop on Monday. Today, Wednesday, I got in a wreck (not at all my fault). 3 cars. One rolled. One lady went to the hospital (I'm pretty sure she's ok). My car was the only one left drivable, though it may be totaled.
Needless to say it's been a suck week. Special shouts out to Sadie and Stuart. You made my day...week. And on that note I declare this month an official "do-over."