Yes. It's true. I am back from St. Louis. My life is not exactly blog-friendly right now. Time is the enemy. But I was thinking today (weird eh?!) so here is an entry of questions inspired by my trip (but in no way an update of all that was learned. That'll have to wait):
If I had a dime for every time I was told, "It'll never change," "She/He will never change," "You need to let that go; it's useless," etc. I would be filthy rich. Like, I could go shopping with the Olsen twins kind of rich. What I want to know is WHY?! I realize that I'm younger than pretty much everyone else around me so maybe it's just me being naive. Maybe I'll go back in a few years and erase this blog out of shear humiliation, but for now I really don't get it. What's wrong with believing that people and circumstances can change? I know "you have to pick your battles," and I agree that I'm not good at that at all (I want to turn the tables of the money changers every single time, which is a problem in that, a: I'm not Jesus, and b: I'm a money changer,) nevertheless, here are my thoughts on the matter:
Maybe part of what Jesus meant when He said we must become/remain childlike is that we must be filled with unrestrained, unashamed expectancy. Kids believe the Easter Bunny hid all of those eggs. They believe that the tooth-fairy will come, even though they can't quite figure out how she can get the tooth from under the pillow without waking them up. And they believe that Santa will come down their chimney regardless of the fact that reindeer have to fly, there are burning coals in the fireplace, there's a tub of lard around his stomach, and there's a massive world with time limitations. Children have undying hope.
I guess I just have problems with being told that anything "won't ever change." It might! The God who changed a murderer into an apostle, prostitutes into missionaries, and a shepherd into a king, is still the God we serve. Surely He can handle my planks and their splinters. Apparently everyone grows out of this in 5-6 years, but for now I'm going to cling to the hope that it can be better, regardless of who tries to talk me out of it. It might kill me. But I think that for a while I will continue to see things as they could be instead of accepting them as they are. Everything inside me is just screaming out that we can hope for more (apparently we can hope for glory).
If everything inside me is wrong, and this is all hellish blasphemy, let me know. If nothing is going to change then I'll give up now (like I feel so many already have.) It'll probably save me some headaches and tears in the end anyway.